You must repay your loans even if you don't complete your education,
can't find a job related to your program of study, or are unhappy with
the education you paid for with your loan. However, certain
circumstances might lead to your loans being forgiven, canceled, or
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Use the
Dispute Resolution Information to find the dispute form you need,
Contact FAMS and we will help you.
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Check your payment history, gather the documents necessary to show
what payments you've made, and use the
FAMS Upload Form to send us the information
Contact FAMS and we will help you.
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File a consumer dispute with the bureaus. Contact the three national
credit bureaus in writing to tell them what information you believe is
- Equifax
- Experian
- TransUnion
Learn how to
get a free copy of your credit report.
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It is unlikely that you are eligible to have your loan discharged
through bankruptcy. If you filed for bankruptcy after October 7, 1998,
your loan cannot automatically be discharged.
Find out what happens to your federal student loans when you
declare bankruptcy.
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You will need to provide proof of your identity. Use the
FAMS Dispute
Resolution Information to find the dispute form you need, or
Contact FAMS and we will help you.
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You will need to provide proof of your identity. Download, fill out
and return the
Certification Form to begin the process. If you have any
Contact FAMS and we will help
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You will need to provide proof of your identity. Download, fill out
and return the
Certification Form to begin the process. If you have any
Contact FAMS and we will help
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If the school closed while you were attending, you may be able to have
your student loans discharged. Download, fill out and return the
School Closure Form to begin the
process. If you have any questions,
Us and we will help you.
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If you can not benefit from your education because you were granted
student loans before you had a high school diploma or GED, you may be
able to have your student loans discharged. Download, fill out and
return the
Ability to Benefit
Form to begin the process. If you have any questions,
Contact FAMS and we will help you.
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If you can not benefit from your education because you were
incarcerated or became mentally disabled while you were attending
school, you may be able to have your student loans discharged.
Download, fill out and return the
Ability to Benefit to begin the process. If you have
any questions,
Contact FAMS and we will
help you.
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You may be eligible for a TPD Discharge on your federal student
loans if you are unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity
by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment
- can be expected to result in death,
- has lasted for a continuous period of not less than 60 months,
- can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than
60 months; or
- has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make
you unemployable due to a service-connected disability.
Download, fill out and return the
Total and Permanent
Disability Form to begin the process. If you have any questions,
Contact FAMS and we will help you.
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